8 Months
Carter will be 9 months in less than two weeks so I am a little slow to getting around to post. I can't believe how fast the time in flying by. I feel like he should still be a newborn but I know he'll be crawling and then running around in no time. Carter has turned into such a good baby! He is so fun to be around. He is constantly smiling and laughing-mostly at his big brother. He loves to be held, cuddled, bathed, and he LOVES food. If you are eating something, he will stare at it and sometimes open his mouth until you share. Carter CAN sit up but still falls over occassionally. He is rolling around like crazy and you can tell he just wants to get up and go. I know that he is going to be the kind of kid that gets into everything. If Carter has something in his reach, he will put it in his mouth and it doesn't matter what it is. Total opposite of Landon! I'm sad that Carter is growing up so so fast but I am also looking forward to it as well. We just love our Carter baby SO much!
Brooke, you have an amazing talent of making ADORABLE babies!!! :)
that is a really cute picture!
Brooke your home. I took the girls to the park today and they loved it. Mya was having a blast I was going to call you to come but I remembered you were gone for 2 wks. WOW that went fast I thought you were still there. I see now that your home. What is carters sleep schedule? Let get together my next day off for sure. I am glad your home and Carter is such a doll! He is rolling all over? Man Marlee is so not moving anywhere! SHe's a lazy bum!!! I miss you! I am so mad I didn't call and see if you wanted to come to the park, I can't believe 2 wks went by that fast!
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