Tuesday, July 21, 2009

[Chuck E Cheese]

My mom and Travis took Landon to Chuck E Cheese tonight-how fun for him! He is so lucky to have a Grandma around that will take him to do things like that. Anyway, they came home with this picture. It's actually a pretty awesome picture of him for being from one of thise silly booths. I might have to cut the border off and frame it. It's not very good quality on here because I took a picture of a picture. I had to share it because well, just take a look at that kid's eye lashes! I can't say that he got those from me...clearly, they are from his daddy. He's going to be a little heartbreaker, I just know it!

1 comment:

Joe and Mandy Johnson said...

I know why can't us moms have long eyelashes? Not fair! Landon will be a heart breaker!