Tuesday, July 21, 2009

:::Blue Jeans:::

Carter has been much been wearing onesies since it has been so stinking hot out and the shorts we have for him are still too big. When the air conditioning is on and we are in the basement, it gets a little chilly so I decided to put on Carter's first pair of blue jeans and shoes. Of course they didn't fit right just yet but they looked so cute on him. I look in his closet and am super excited for the fall so I can dress him in all of the oulfits we bought him and saved from Landon. Then again, I don't want it to be fall just yet and have him fit into those clothes because that would mean he is getting bigger. I can't believe he will be one month on tomorrow...that is just craziness!!!

1 comment:

Alisha and Braeden said...

So cute! I want to come back and stay longer!