Friday, July 10, 2009

Carter James-18 Days Old

Earlier this afternoon, my mom handed me a coupon for Target's picture studio so I decided to take Carter in to get a naked baby shot. I had this vision of him on his belly, sleeping, in black and white. I thought it would look really cute framed above his bed. The coupon was for one free 8 by 10 and then any additional sheets would be 3.99. I figured I could get two cute poses and walk out paying 4 bucks. Well, I was a little off but not by too much. Luckily, my sister was with me and helped me out. Shopping with two kids can be so crazy! I don't think I've had to go anywhere with the two kids yet. We had to wait a few minutes so we decided to walk around. My sister asked what oulfit I brought to have his pictures done in and I panicked. I was only thinking of the naked baby pose and the onesie he was wearing would not of worked! We headed to the baby department and I found cute striped shirt that I figured would do. Carter ended up being hungry through the whole session and kept trying to eat his hands but I think we got some good ones. The best part is that I walked out paying only 17 bucks and got a 10 by 13 pose (the special delivery one that will go above his crib), an 8 by 10, and 2 5 by 7's-not bad! Here are some of my favorite shots. I am trying to soak up every minute of Carter being a newborn. I never took Landon in to get pictures done when he was this small and I regret it now. You forget things after it's been so long. I love that these pictures show every feature perfectly in Carter's sweet face, hands, and feet.


Joe and Mandy Johnson said...

Those are so sweet! He looks just like chris to me! I want to hold him so bad! Great deal with the pics! I need to get Brady's pics done!

{Rollins Family} said...

so cute, i love bewborm photos!

Angie Adam said...

These pictures are so sweet Brooke =) He's adorable.

Alisha and Braeden said...

Those are so cute! He looks just like landon did when he was a babe.

Casey said...

Beautiful pictures! I love the first two best.