Monday, March 16, 2009

China Hutch

At our open house for our wedding, my Grandma and Grandpa Mayne had Chris and I open our gift. It was a frame with our names and wedding date embroided in it. Along with it came a card saying "More to come!" Well, here it is! My grandparents have been working night and day trying to get this china hutch done. I once snuck a peak while I was over and I was blown away. My grandpa does such great work! The gorgeous dishes that are in the cabinet in the picture was a gift from my Uncle Doug for our wedding as well. I had only had a quick glance at one setting wrapped in bubble wrap a few days after our wedding. Now, they are some what taken out of their boxes and we can enjoy them! There are even more peices in the bottom of the hutch but I figured we should wait to open everything until we've moved. The peices look SO good with the dark color I chose. We are so excited to have this peice of beautiful furniture in our home for years and years and years down the road! I think it is so cool to be able to say that my grandparents (Landon's great) built this for our wedding and they even signed the back. We absolutely love it! Thanks G-ma and G-pa!

I had to post these darling pictures of my Grandparents from yesterday. They are holding the newest member of our clan-2 week old Jayden Carey! My cousin, Emerald's, little boy. Aren't they all so cute?

1 comment:

Angie Adam said...

That China Hutch is BEAUTIFUL Brooke!! I love it =)