Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

We finally got a tree to decorate! I was at my sisters the other day and so was my Aunt, Melissa. I mentioned that I couldn't find our tree. My Aunt said she had an extra in her basement that I could have. I was so excited! I went and picked it up and came home and didn't waste any time! Landon had a blast putting all of the fun little ornaments on the bottom. He also snuck away with a few too. Thanks Sissa! We love our tree.

Here's a funny story about the stockings. My mom had two extra stocking holders on her fireplace and said I could use them. Well, I never remembered to pick up a third one and just set mine and Landon's stocking up there until I had time. Chris was sitting at the kitchen table and all of a sudden he shouted, "Brooke! What the heck! That's messed up!" I couldn't figure out what he was talking about until he ran over to the stockings. He was so sad. He said he didn't feel like I wanted him to be part of the family. I couldn't help but laugh. He didn't believe that there were only enough for two. Well, after we put up our tree, I thought our little little tree would make a fine stocking holder (for now.) I think they look kind of cute on there. Thought that would shut Chris up ;)

Chris' grandma hand made all of our stockings. They are beautiful! She no longer is able to make stockings so I am on my own making one for baby for next year. I don't think it will be as pretty, but I am going to give it a shot!

Here are some goodies and ornaments that I made for people at work. I made banana bread for a few of the teachers assistants in our class and just a bag of candy for some other teachers I've come close to. I love the felt Christmas trees. What a fun thing to make! Thanks for finding the idea online, Brit.

I just LOVE Christmas time!

1 comment:

Alisha and Braeden said...

Oh what a cute tree! I love your stockings. I want to make one for me and Braeden but I don't know how. Your treats look yummy!