Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Generous Neighbors

We have the most fun neighbors next to us! I love having so many people around us with kids your age. However, they are my favorites! I went over there today and we chatted for a while. It was really nice. They are such good people. Right when they found out I was pregnant, they offered us their gorgeous crib and matching changing station/dresser. The above picture isn't the crib she is giving us but she is the nursery set she said we could have too! It's the cutest I have ever seen and it will be perfect for a boy OR girl! I am going to have to ask her if I can take a picture of her nursery so I can mimick it. Anyway, her son is almost one and will only be 18 months (well, around there) when our baby is born. I felt bad making him get out of his crib for us but she kept insisting that she wanted to do it. She told us that it might be a month or two after the baby is here but I am planning on keeping the baby in the bassinet for that long anyway. We were going to get the baby a new crib because ours was used and it's about had it but to have someone just GIVE us one is too much to ask. While I was there, she also let us borrow a brand new little boys snow suit that someone had sent to her for her baby when he is big enough. I had been meaning to get one for Landon so it's great that I don't have to now!
She also gave us her Baby Bijorn. I am such cheap person but I was going to buckle down and get one for the next baby. Those things are like 100 bucks! I know I am only 3 months along but it's nice to get able to get stuff like this out of the way. I know you won't read this but thank you Kevin and Lisa!!! We are just so grateful!


Alisha and Braeden said...

Man I would want to sleep in that crib. Landon is lucky! :) That was so nice of your neighbor. Getting free stuff is awesome.

Brooke said...

Yeah, they are way nice! The crib is actually for the BABY though, silly! Landon will be out of his crib next month (hopefully.)

Cody and Brittany (probably Brittany) said...

Can we still be friends?