Wednesday, July 28, 2010


The older Carter gets, the more I am realizing how DIFFERENT he is from his big brother. Not only are they different as far as appearance goes, they have their own separate little personalities. Landon seems to be a bid more timid and Carter is our crazy baby. The biggest thing right now that I can't figure out is Carter's sleeping habits. Somehow, he can survive on just a 10 minute nap for one whole day. Sometime he does take good naps but the last few days have been driving me crazy. I need more than a few minutes break. If he falls asleep in the car and I move him to his crib, he wakes up and wants to play. If I move Landon, he sleeps for hours even if it's on the couch with loud noises. Carter is also harder to get to sleep than Landon was as a baby. It breaks my heart to hear him cry but by the end of the day, I know he has to be exhausted (as am I) and needs to go to sleep. Here is Carter one day, wide awake, playing while Landon was zonked on the couch. Total opposites!!!

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