Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Little Evie

Evie is finally home! Brittany and Cody's little girl had to stay in the hospital for 12 days and they were able to take her home this past Sunday. Evie has had some problems with breathing, but they were able to bring her home on an oxygen tank. Since she was in a special care nursery, Landon and Carter weren't able to go visit with her.. So today was the big day! Landon is totally in love with her and I think was taken back by how small she is. He REALLY enjoyed holding her and as soon as it was my turn, he asked if he could hold her again. It was pretty stinking cute. I tried to get Carter to notice the baby but he was more interested in getting into everything at her house. He did like her blankey in the car though. He snatched that thing right off her carseat even though he had one in his lap that was pretty similar! Little stinker. He looks like a complete giant compared to her little body. We had so much fun with her and can't wait to see her again. We love that little girl so much!
Here are some pictures of the Tak family leaving the hospital. Can you believe how good my sister looks after just having a baby? I sure can't!
So glad you are home, baby girl!!!


Angie Adam said...

She is just beautiful!! And your boys are cute as always =) Hope things keep getting better for little Evie <3

The Tanners said...

Yea Brook Iam so glad she is home!!! Yea and gosh your sista looks fab after just having a baby. Takes me months just to look human again!!!