Saturday, November 14, 2009

Big Boy

On Thursday afternoon, my mom had some people over for a watch making party. Carter was asleep when everyone showed up so I thought it was the perfect time to get a watch done for my mother-in-law for Christmas. After not too long, Carter was awake and wanted attention. My mom held him for a while and then we stuck him in Landon's highchair which was right next to me. He had a blast playing with his toys and screaming. He recently has "found" his voice and loves to make noise. Landon was on the other side of me playing with my pony beads, making shooting noises. I for sure felt like a mother of two, trying to get something done with my two little ones on either side of me! Later on, I put him in the highchair again and we fed him his cereal there. Landon is just now starting to show signs of jealously when Carter uses his things or grabs his toys. Landon is getting to big for the highchair anyway though. We bought a tray for the bumbo and have been feeding him in there and it's a lot of fun to see him sitting straight up rather than laying in his bouncy. It's good for his neck muscles too. We had so much fun taking pictures and just admiring our 'big boy.' He has grown so much in just the last week or two, it seems like.

Here is the watch I made. My mother-in-law loves the color blue so that's why I picked out those beads. It was really the only blue beads to choose from but I think she will really like it.


Cj Caldwell said...

Hey thank you so much for the reply on babysitting that is so sweet of you. Thanks. Yea for the job promotion! Yoiu guys deserve it! We should go look at some places to live for you guys if you have't found one already!

The Tanners said...

Brook sorr that last comment was by me. My mom was logged in last so it came up as here leaving message! Sorry didnt mean to freak you out that some stocker was leaving comments!