Sunday, September 13, 2009


I think the above picture pretty much explains itself...Carter took a binky yesterday and I was completely beside myself. I really really really couldn't believe it! He has not taken a binky in about a month (unless oocasionally I trick him when he is pretty much asleep.) He was laying on my bed and I didn't think he would take the pacifier but I tried anyway and he started sucking away! I thought maybe he was just in a funny mood and was tricking me but he took it again several times yesterday (and today at church) and even fell asleep with it in his mouth a few times. Yes, Carter put himself to sleep to is own bed...not my arms!!!! I really can't express how excited I am. This particular binky was hiding in a diaper bag I wasn't using and when I was cleaning up the house, I found it. I gave this one to Carter a lot when he was first born so maybe he remembers it, maybe he is used to it? Either way, I don't care! This is so HUGE for me! The AVENT pacifiers are the most expensive ones out there (5.99 for 2) but I will buy 10 more if that means it will keep Carter quiet and content. Since my last post, things have been going so much better. Carter is taking better naps and Landon even went to sleep at a decent time last night. Lately it has been 11pm-midnight...I was able to wake up for church this morning and Landon even stayed in the nursery without throwing a huge fit. I had to stay in there with him for a while and then snuck out but the nursery girls said he did perfect! Oh happy day!!

I love it when Landon colors pictures in nursery. Every time I go to pick him up, he proudly shows me what he has done. He told me this guy had an "owie." Haha. Have I said how much I love my boys? I really do, so so much!


Casey said...

I'm glad that things are going better for you guys. I hope his tummy troubles are resolved soon. None of my kids have been good at taking the pacifiers so I know how you feel. :)

{Rollins Family} said...

seriously...binkys are LIFESAVERS at our house.
Way to go Carter.
Call me, lets take the kids somewhere and play...for real!