Wednesday, September 23, 2009

3 Months Old

I honestly CAN NOT believe it's been 3 whole months since Carter was born. He has changed so much in the last 12 weeks. He is alert, smiling, and even giggles every now and then. He's still not the best sleeper and usually only takes little cat naps but is sleeping through the night so that's okay. I didn't love nursing with Landon (after a month it got tough but continued for a while) because I felt like I was constantly feeding. Some days, Carter does the same thing but I knew what to expect and am enjoying that special time with him so much more. I feel like I have more patience with him and try not to sweat on the small things and just spend time with my baby.
His Grandma Wagner has nick names Carter as "Mr. Serious." He will give you this look until he focuses on you and then will smile so big. It's almost like he is trying to figure out who you are or that he's just thinking "Come on, are you kidding?" It's funny!Uh oh, we have another Landon on our hands! Carter also recently found his thumb. I have seen him sucking on it a few times in the last few days but will also take a binky when he's tired. How cute is this picture of him smiling while sucking his thumb?


Alisha and Braeden said...

He is getting so big! Aw he is cute I want to come and play.

Cody and Brittany (probably Brittany) said...

I love him!!! He's just too cute.. I love love those chubby cheeks!!