Monday, June 30, 2008

Oh nuts!

We went to the allergist on Thursday before we left for Spokane and had Landon tested for peanuts, cashews, almonds, and a few other treenuts. Turns out Landon is indeed allergic to peanuts (which we were almost positive about) but the good thing is he can have any other kind of nut. I was really bummed about Landon not being able to experience peanut butter and jelly sandwiches but my sister told me about an almond butter sold at Costco. We thought it would be way expensive but I was happy to see that it was only $7.99 a jar. So we're gonna try it! The allergist said to have Landon tested in 1-2 years to see if he outgrew the allergy. I really hope that he does but if he doesn't, I'm sure we'll be able to find lots of fun substitutes!

1 comment:

Angie Adam said...

Yes I did completely stalk you to find your blog =) Actually, I found it through Alisha's. But I'm excited you have one. Its adorable! I can invite you to mine if you would like but I need to know what email address you login with. Let me know!