Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter 2011

The night before Easter, after Carter had gone to bed, Landon and I colored Easter eggs. He could hardly contain himself, waiting for the eggs to boil. He loves watching the water turn from white to color after you drop in the little tablet. His favorite is using the little egg holder and stirring the cup after the egg has been placed.

Easter was a really special one this year. Landon now gets the concept of the true meaning of Easter. He sang in sacrament at church with the other primary children and it is so fun to see their sweet little spirits.

Unfortunately, I did not get pictures of the kids with their baskets from the Easter Bunny. They each received a few eggs with M&M's inside, bubbles, Legos for Landon and a Thomas Train in a big egg for Carter. The boys right before church in their new pink polos. They looked SO handsome!!

After church, we headed over to my parents where my mom cooked a yummy Easter dinner. Then we headed to Salt Lake to see my grandparents. We always have a good time visiting and the boys just adore their Pa-Pa Red Truck!

A perfect Sunday Easter!

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