Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Dentist!

I waited until Landon was almost four years old to take him to the dentist. We have been meaning to take him since we moved to Utah but I guess it's just been slipping our minds! At the last minute, someone canceled their appointment so we were able to take Landon in today. Landon has been SUPER excited to go and talking about it a ton lately. I didn't think the excitment would last once he was in the recliner chair but he did AWESOME! It really helped that the whole office was decorated in a fish theme. There was an awesome fish tank right when you walked in with tropical fish, big fishes and seaweed floating from the ceiling, coral structures on the walls, and movies to watch while in the chair. Landon chose to watch Finding Nemo. Unfortunately, he does have a few cavities so he may need to go back and have those taken care of while being knocked totally out, yikes. I got some tips on brushing his teeth and was told to floss more so I'm definately going to be crazy about doing that now. I was so proud of my brave little guy who is getting way too big!!

1 comment:

Cody and Brittany (probably Brittany) said...

Why does he look so old?? He is so big! He just looks like a big boy now and that is sad... they grow up to fast!