Sunday, December 20, 2009

Special Delivery

Since we just moved and have not changed our address, our family has been sending Christmas packages to my mom's place. The other day, she came by to drop off a box from my sister in law in Montana. Landon got VERY excited and thought that meant he could open his present. He is so not getting this whole "wait until Christmas" thing. Anyway, Carter has just had a dirty diaper, I changed him and then handed him to Grandma for a second to run upstairs. I came down and my mom told me that I had a package for me in the kitchen. I thought maybe Carter had pooped again so I went in and found the little guy hanging out in the box. He loved it and fit just right. He just sat there grinning at me. The first picture is blurry-I apologize but it was too cute not to post.

Landon had to sit in the box too-of course!

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