Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Happy Birthday to me-I turned 23! My birthday was this last Friday, November 6th, and I had a really special one. My mom took me out to lunch @ Cafe Rio and then I came home to a surprise cake from the hubs. He tries to be really cute when it comes to cakes but really doesn't know what to put. He asked me if putting on the cake "Love, Chris, Landon, and Carter" was dumb because the lady at the bakery was asking if he was sure he wanted all that. I thought it was sweet!!! It tasted good too :)

My mom got me this Scentsy and I absolutely LOVE it. Looks great next to my willow tree figurines and smells divine. She made fun of me for taking a picture of it but it will be fun to remember that I got it on my 23rd birthday, right?

On Sunday, my sister and I got to celebrate both of our birthdays together. Her birthday isn't until the 19th but we decided to celebrate while my mom was in town still. She's going to visit the pops. Anyway, my grandparents came over and we had a yummy dinner and Brit made an orange flavored cake. I'm a little embarassed to say how much I kept nibbling on it while we were watching Twilight. It was delish!
So after our Sunday dinner, the celebrating wasn't quite over yet! Brittany took me to Market Street Grill in Salt Lake. It was a pretty fancy place, even if Brit says it wasn't really. When the waiter brought us our food, we both shot eachother a look and I knew exactly what she was thinking. The food was really yummy but the price, however, was NOT! It was a lot of fun to get out of the house and hang out with my sister though. What a fun treat. Thanks girl!

Here are the best birthday presents I could ever ask for:

Oh Carter. He is my little buddy. Always on my hip!

Here is Landon making a birthday banner for me. I love that he is able to make shapes. My favorites are the circles with faces. You can kind of see them in this picture.

Guess who is starting to go to bed at a decent time? That would be my 4.5 month old! Carter has been going to bed between 8:30-9pm and sleeping until 7:30am or later. Sometimes it's even 9am. It's heavenly!

1 comment:

Alisha and Braeden said...

Sounds like a wonderful birthday! Wish I was there to party! You still need something else... I need your address! okay! oh and I love love your bangs and hair color for the 2nd or 3rd time.