Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Seattle Trip-Day 8

Our last day spent in Washington was actually Landon's 3rd birthday! In the morning, we went to the neighborhood where I grew up and visited with the Wheelwrights. Landon, of course, found a nintento DS or whatever they are called and did NOT want to leave. When we made it home, I took a few minutes to take pictures of Landon in the yard. I can't believe he is already three and how much he has grown up in the last year. He's not a baby anymore!!! Joan took Landon to get a pair of shoes for his birthday and he picked out spider man light up shoes-nice. Normally, I would never buy shoes like that for my kids but Landon picked them out and loves them so I guess that's all that matters. They aren't too bad...mostly black and white so I guess I'll live...haha. Later that night, we had dinner and a cake for Landon. WAY later that night, I went to late movie with Mandy (The Time Travelers Wife) in Auburn. Luckily, Brady was still up and I was able to see him for a few minutes before we left. Carter came to the movie and I thought he would sleep the whole time but he only did for a few minutes. I fed him most of the time so it wasn't too bad. I didn't end up getting back to my in laws until after 1am because I was sitting in the car, visiting with Mandy when I dropped her off. It's always so hard to say goodbye to her. I was pretty pooped by the time I got home but apparently, my kids thought it was time to party. It was a long day!

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