*Carter's Birth*
{Here is Carter's birth story. We were finally admitted to the hospital at noon on Sunday morning. IV and Pitocen was started at 4pm-what took the nurses SO long?! Immediately started feeling cramps but nothing too intense. At 3cm, my water was broken and the contractions continued to just feel like cramps. Was told that I would need an internal monitor to accurately track the baby and my contractions so opted to get an epidural even though I was feeling okay. At 7cm, the baby lowered and my epidural totally lost effect on my right side. After what seemed like forever and feeling like I was going to die, I was finally given direct medication through my epidural line which completely numbed me. I finally could sleep. I wasn't in any pain but could feel pressure and somehow just knew it was time. I was checked and sure enough, I was fully dilated. After a few minutes of waiting for the attending, I was finally able to push. Maybe two minutes and a couple pushes later, Carter James was out and in my arms at 1:45am. Unfortunately, the cord was wrapped about his neck twice so the doctor just had to cut the cord quickly. Carter wasn't crying right away so he was taken to the warmer and given a little bit of oxygen. Laying in the hospital bed, looking over at my new baby, I felt completely calm. I knew he was going to be okay and he was. After everyone got a chance to hold Carter, he was given to me and he immediately latched on. Even though I was starving from not eating for 48 hours and was exhausted from the lack of sleep, I was totally in love and happy. He was perfect!}
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